速報APP / 工具 / Notepad-Notebook-Color Notes-Notepad ++

Notepad-Notebook-Color Notes-Notepad ++





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Notepad-Notebook-Color Notes-Notepad ++ - Diary(圖1)-速報App

Take notes and even attach your free hand drawing, everything in style and completely without papers!

Create multiple notebooks for every subject and avoid messing up your notes.

Notebooks is the only application you will ever need for all your note making needs.

Designed with flexibility and ease of use in mind, taking notes is now at it simplest with our application. With multiple colors and custom title for each notebook cover, you will enjoy creating a notebook for every subject you want.

Notebooks is a must have application for students, business men and for anyone using their phones and tablets for taking notes.

*The permission GET_ACCOUNTS is to communicate with the Google Drive to backup the data. We do not store your account details in the app.

Notepad-Notebook-Color Notes-Notepad ++ - Diary(圖2)-速報App

ColorNote is a simple and awesome notepad app. It gives you a quick and simple notepad editing experience when you write notes, memos, e-mails, messages, shopping lists and to-do lists. Taking notes with ColorNote Notepad is easier than any other notepad or memo pad app.

Notepad a new, comfortable and simple notepad right on your Android. Notepad is always at your hand, you just have to write down what you want to do or what you don't want to forget, you may even do not save it, it would do it for you.

Choose any color you want to write notes, also you do have a chance to share notes with friends or relatives.

This is a really simple notepad application which is as easy to use as a notepad. Just put your notes to the notepad which grows and shrinks automatically to fit your needs.

Just launch the notepad application and start typing. Swipe left and right to change pages.

Native Android copy & paste functionality is perfectly supported.

Notepad-Notebook-Color Notes-Notepad ++ - Diary(圖3)-速報App

You can also undo text deletions.

This is a multi-platform diary app, designed to record your activities, daily events, appointments, experiences, thoughts, secrets and ideas throughout the day and sync data across all your devices. It helps you organize your daily diary / journal entries or notes from the past in the easiest way.

Powerful search is available to help you find diary entries by any keyword in the title or text and filter results by date, folder, tags or location. Preserve your special memories, store personal moments & memories or keep track of your life with help of Diary.

This can easily be used as a classic diary, travel journal, mood tracker, simple note editor, business planner, daily expense tracker or even as diet journal. It can be used as a great universal diary.

Notepad++ text editor is a notepad for open and edit any type of text file like txt, html, xml, js, php, css, asp, cpp, c etc.

Color Notes is a note taking application that is as simple as it is complete, both easy to use and lightweight. In any situation, you can quickly create notes and lists.Write all the things you need in one place, from short notes to longer documents.

Notepad-Notebook-Color Notes-Notepad ++ - Diary(圖4)-速報App

Colors make it intuitive to organize things. Once you see colors, you will instantly know how to use them to manage your life.

When you open Color Notes, it starts up on either the Workspace where you can add new notes and see saved ones. Creating notes is quite simple. You simply press the Add button on the workspace then start writing the note. Each note can be given a specific title and color.

Don’t worry if you are not good at organizing things. Anyone can easily get organized with Color Notes. It reminds you of the saved notes so that you will never miss anything important.You can concentrate on what really matters in your life instead of worrying about remembering stuff.

Notepad-Notebook-Color Notes-Notepad ++ - Diary(圖5)-速報App